Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a condition beyond just spastic muscles and abnormal postures and movements. It’s a lifelong disability of varying severity and complexity. As it is obvious in an individual suffering from cerebral palsy that apparent movement and postural disorders are often accompanied by disarrays of:
- sensation,
- perception,
- cognition,
- communication,
- behavior,
- epilepsy, and
- musculoskeletal problems
So, it’s multi-faceted and needs a multidisciplinary approach to keep an eye and manage all of the factors that affect a child. It requires:
- planning,
- organization,
- perspective,
- adaptation and
- lots of inspiration.
An individualized, organized and comprehensive plan is needed and will accomplish a functioning citizen and a human being.
Spasticity of muscles in CP can affect multiple/single or anybody region with different and varying severity and combinations. It can affect:
- eye muscles,
- speech muscles,
- swallowing and muscles controlling urine and stools,
- face,
- shoulders, neck upper and lower limbs and back muscles.
As a result, in general CP patient can have:
- strabismus or squint,
- drooling,
- difficulty in speech and swallowing,
- constipation & urinary difficulties,
- abnormal postures and movements of neck, shoulders, back, upper and lower limbs
Again, to emphasize that all these can be in different combinations and severities. Keeping in view the diversity of the situation in cerebral pals; it is important and needful to have a separate and individualized comprehensive approach of management for each patient to get optimum results and outcome.
At POACC, we have been successful to launch a concept of “INDIVIDUALISED MANAGEMENT PLAN (IMP)” for CP affected individual. For every patient IMP is created by a team of experts from different clinical and other specialties including the patient himself and his/her caretakers.
These are the main components of IMP:
- ASSESSMENTS with assessment tools
- Physical
- Functional eating and drinking assessment
- Sensation
- Pain
- Nutritional assessment
- Gross motor and mobility assessment
- Fine motor and upper limb assessment
- Speech and language assessment
- Physiotherapy specific assessment
- Occupational therapy assessment
- GOALS :Time specific and oriented
- Stretch interventions
- Strengthening interventions
- Electrical stimulations
- Medical and surgical interventions
- Nutritional interventions
- Upper limb specific interventions
- Lower limb specific interventions
- Other body regions interventions
- Speech/language and oral motor interventions.
Completion of IMP gives the base line to start managing CP patient by a team of different specialists. IMP for each patient is regularly assessed and updated with new goals till patient has become functional to the optimum level which is decided among the managing team, care takers and the patient.
To get an overview of clinical picture of cerebral palsy, visit Cplink Pakistan
To enroll and register your loved one for IMP, please contact our practice coordinator
As in any clinical situation and due to the heterogeneous nature of cerebral palsy, there
are factors that cannot be covered by a single guideline. Clinicians and clients need to
develop individual treatment plans that are tailored to the specific needs and
circumstances of the client.
Sabeera shehzadi 10 year old babr girle hai khud nahi beth sakti hm bithate hain khana b hm khud khilate hain movment nahi karti chal nahi sakti abu ami keh kr thora lafz bolti hai smile krti hai pehchanti hai ab hadiyan murna shuru ho gai hain
To get our best opinion regarding your disease process, contact us on WhatsApp 03015943329 for online appointment for your assessment, consultation and advice. This can be then followed up in our hospital consultation and further treatment.
The following requirements for online consultation are to be completed before booking for the date and time of online discussion regarding your disease process:
Send on our WhatsApp 03015943329 the following information:
Name of the patient
Age of the patient
Complete address of the patient
If disabled: send pictures and videos of patient’s disabilities
Send scanned copies of any medical record
After reviewing all the information, you have sent; you will be first informed of the date and time for online consultation & discussion regarding the disease process and its treatment. This can then be followed up for in the clinic consultation and further treatment.
As on whatsApp and get consultation now
WhatsApp: 03015943329