At POACC correction of bowed legs is done with minimal invasive technique with your preferred anesthesia. You only get scars like pin holes or very small marks of surgery.
The bowed legs are usually associated with knee deformities like genu varum, genu valgum, geno recurvatum and in adults’ development of osteoarthritis of different compartments of the knee joints. Bowed legs are quite common in third world countries.
Knee pain and arthritis of the knee joint develop at an early age. It is because of uneven pressure over the outer and inner parts of knee joint. If it is not corrected early, it leads to progressive deformation and worsening of pain and arthritis.
Legs deformation and pain are the reasons why a great number of elderly people cannot walk. Such abnormal anatomy of these people is the main cause of knee joint replacement surgery. If the legs shape is corrected at the early age; joint replacement will in most case be not required or delayed to latter years of life.
The affected person not only suffers life-long pain but gets into low esteem and other mental illnesses because of the shape and ongoing pain of the knees.
We at POACC get lot of exposure to such patients and all our team members are well informed about the patients’ future needs.
We offer quick, bloodless surgery for correction of bowed legs at POACC UNDER THE CARE OF TEAM OF EXPERTS. We use Ilizarov technology. Average duration of the operation is 50 minutes. Using the crutches the patient is able to walk on the following day after the operation.
Legs form correction procedure is mostly started on the 7th day after the operation by means of dosage adjustment of nuts in the apparatus of external fixation.
If both legs are bowed, we start simultaneously with both legs. It takes 3-4 months to complete the whole process depending upon extent of deformation.
Depending on the initial extent of deformation, legs shape correction is performed within the period of 7-25 days. Devices are removed from the extremities consecutively with an interval of 2-4 days. Correction of legs shape at POACC usually takes 1-5 months.
For further details call us on 03015943329, 03339113796
If you would like yourself to be evaluated, or would like to explore our treatment options , contact our clinical coordinator at POACC.