Treatment of Tremors
Tremor can cause significant disability and/or emotional distress.
Tremor is an overactive movement disorder characterized by rhythmic or semirythmic oscillatory movements of one or more body parts. It is due to involuntary contractions of agonist/antagonists muscle pairs.
Some of the common forms are:
- Action tremor (AT),
- Postural tremor(PT), the rest tremor associated with Parkinson disease (PD).
- Occupational tremor (OT)
Tremor is also seen in association with various neurological disorders:
- multiple sclerosis,
- peripheral nerve entrapment,
- metabolic disorders (hyperthyroidism)
- Psychogenic
At DR BOTOX Pakistan the most common forms of tremors treated are:
- Essential tremor
- Dystonic tremor
- Parkinson disease tremor
With Botox treatment DR BOTOX achieve excellent results in patients with tremors.
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