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Pakistan Orthopaedic & Cosmetology Center



Polio is an infectious disease caused by a Poliovirus. It results in crippling deformities of the lower limbs, causing an inability and difficulty to walk.
Individuals with Polio disabilities require reconstructive surgeries not only on for the bones but also the affected muscles to reduce the disability and deformity resulting in a straight leg allowing the individual to walk with or without caliper.
Most of the cases having Polio disabilities have the following some of the problems hampering with their mobility:
  • Walking disorder( Hand to knee gait)
  • Deformity in the foot
  • Hanging foot
  • Shortening of leg
  • Very weak and short leg
  • Hip instability
Treatment Options
At Pakistan Orthopaedic & Cosmetology Center ( ); various treatment options including different special surgeries are performed to provide:
  • Mobility
  • Improve the quality of life
  • Improve limb, body shape and function
Some of the special procedures and treatments performed at POACC for individuals suffering from Post Polio Paralysis and Disabilities include:
  • Deformity correction
  • Joint stability
  • Fusion of joints
  • Angle correction
  • Limb lengthening surgery

If you would like your symptoms diagnosed or evaluated, or would like to explore our treatment options , contact our  clinical  coordinator at POACC.

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